Carol Ann Eastman

Carol Ann Eastman

Hi, I want to introduce myself. My name is Carol Ann. I have been a high school English teacher for 22 years. (She/her and married to a man I love —most of the time 😜). Most of my career, I have been the only safe space for many many of my LGBTQiA+ students. I’ve spent many days listening and comforting my students. A little over a year ago, when the ”don’t say gay bullcrap” started in schools, I decided to try to DO SOMETHING. I wrote a book that is very LGBTQiA+ friendly and is pretty eye-opening for people who have their heads up their rears. I published it on June 1st in honor of Pride 🏳️‍🌈. I do NOT want to be one of those creepy group stalkers and spam your groups. However, if you, or someone you know, would be interested in reading or sharing my book, please let me know. I just don’t want to link my book and be so rude. I also have a viral anti-suicide video called JUST AN ENGLISH TEACHER. I can share that with you all as well. All I want is to HELP! Our society is hurting our children and we HAVE TO HELP THEM!!!

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  • Carol Ann Eastman

    Carol Ann Eastman

    What are some books or authors that you would recommend to our readers?
    I am have an EPIC year of reading.  Every book I have read as been absolutely AMAZING!  I have read:Fourth Wing (magical realism/fantasy)Good Luck With That (for anyone who has ever struggled with his/her weight)The Idea of You (a little too romancy and sexy for me, but I did enjoy it.)The entire ACOTAR series (not my REAL genre, but I loved Maas' diction and the dynamic of characters)One Summer in Savannah (Loved it, but as a PRO-CHOICE author, I still enjoyed this book at the other side.  Always trying to educate myself.)The Breakaway (Big fan of Jennifer Weiner!  I often feel like she's in my head.  Love her humor and powerful stories.)The Women (Wow.  Wonder...
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