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  • Rochell Weisfogel

    Rochell Weisfogel

    How did you become an author and get published? Share your experience.
    For twenty-one years, I told my original story in my classroom while illustrating it on the chalkboard, every year, before the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana. It was such a favorite that my students would ask me to "tell it again" as soon as I finished telling it the first time.  I dreamed of someday publishing my story for the enjoyment of children everywhere. I searched for the right publisher that was not too expensive and would accept my work without becoming a member of the writer's guild and all that other stuff they ask you to pay for. 
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  • Chantal Bellehumeur

    Chantal Bellehumeur

    What inspired you to become an author?
    I always liked telling stories and started making little books out of stapled papers as soon as I learned how to write.
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  • G.J. Prager

    G.J. Prager

    Who is Robert Klayman?
    He's the protagonist of the four novels I've written for the The Robert Klayman Crime Thriller Series.
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  • Martin Roy Hill

    Martin Roy Hill

    When you're working on a book and a new idea pops up, should you pursue it immediately (also known as 'UP syndrome') or finish your current project first? What do you think is the best course of action?
    I often work on two books at the same time. While I write one, I work on plotting the other. When I finished the first draft of the first book, I put it aside for several weeks before I start the second draft. During those weeks the first book is "simmering," I start writing the second book.
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  • Robert M Echols

    Robert M Echols

    Tell us what you enjoy most about writing [genre].
    The following is a prime example of what I enjoy most about writing; namely, the opportunity to promote a collective altruism over a self-centered individualism as the true focus of Christianity, of all religions: My dear friends, the occasion presents itself again to dust off Paul to the Romans 8:19-22, particularly the last verse:"For we know that all creation groans together and labors in birth together until now." Translation of Paul Esposito. My dear friends, as we await the coming of the Kingdom of God (the reason for the groaning and laboring), kindly bear with me and allow me to reiterate my (and those of many far more intelligent people) plea that we acknowledge two things...
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  • Jeevan Gopalan

    Jeevan Gopalan

    How did you become an author and get published? Share your experience.
    Writing under a pen name for the first time was an experiment. While I was releasing my book on my own. The good news is that self-publishing options are available these days. Which is introducing readers and the world to some excellent authors and books. According to my experience, writing a book and self-publishing it is not very difficult; however, getting it noticed by readers and promoting it are more difficult and costly tasks that most people cannot afford. I believe that some literary treasures and authors remain obscure as a result.
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  • Jeevan Gopalan

    Jeevan Gopalan

    How did you become an author and get published? Share your experience.
    Writing under a pen name for the first time was an experiment. While I was releasing my book on my own. The good news is that self-publishing options are available these days. Which is introducing readers and the world to some excellent authors and books. According to my experience, writing a book and self-publishing it is not very difficult; however, getting it noticed by readers and promoting it are more difficult and costly tasks that most people cannot afford. I believe that some literary treasures and authors remain obscure as a result.
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