
Dr IP Loftus
A decade ago, on October 4th, a Cumbrian family faced a parent‘s worst
nightmare. A devastating drunk-driving incident that claimed the life of
Dominic Loftus, their eldest son. Amidst the sorrow and the pain , Dom’s
father, Ian, embarked on a journey of healing that has since inspired many.
Speaking openly on the horror of the death of his child, Ian’s book delves into
Dominic’s life and death, his dreams and lost ambitions detailing everything
that both he and his family have lost.
Gripping, blunt and poignant, this harrowing memoir sheds light on the
unspoken process of grief.
"Following the death of a loved one, you can find hope at some point. And
it’s hope and a sense of resilience that I want you to feel after reading our story.” Dr IP Loftus