M.D. Tophus

M.D. Tophus

M. D. Tophus has over 25 years healthcare experience & has written 17 published books.

They are available in e-book, and print, formats.

They are, in short: Victims of Crime; The A to Z of Workplace Bullying; Trauma United, Life Defined; Who is this Colleague?; Reflective Thinking; Burnout; Reasonable Resilience; The Psychological Impacts of Labelling & the Failure to Diagnose; Gaslighting; Attitudinal & Personality Traits; Think on your Feet; The Unfortunate Healthcare Treater; GVQ; Magical Thinking; Exercising Quality; and, the Controversy…; Exposing Glibness in Psychopathy
All available at Amazon Kindle Internationally (and affiliated bookstores): amazon.com/s?k=m.d.+tophus&i=digital-text&crid=SYTGRQZYNU92&sprefix=m.d.+tophus%2Cdigital-text%2C220&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

  • M.D. Tophus

    M.D. Tophus

    Which character do you enjoy writing the most as a writer and why? If choosing a favorite character is like choosing a favorite child, which character do you find requires the most attention and detail from you as a writer?
    Non-fiction inspired case dilemmas and scenarios (everything from serious healthcare & forensic victims; through to budding psychopaths). Heewee is my favorite, followed by Antiga, Carlos, Shápe, and Nguvelo.
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