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On Attitude to Money

While a conflict of interest, be it in life or in fiction, can bring about self-introspection, strange though it may seem, a casual encounter could lead to self-discovery. So it happened with me in the wake of my rebuff to a dogged tempter, “money is not my weakness” and his “what is your weakness” repartee; for the record, either I had been a straight purchase officer or a strict loss assessor, occupations amenable to monetary mischief. However, the idea of this article is not to gloat over my uprightness but to present the genesis of my attitude to money and the vicissitudes of my life as a subject matter for possible research. But the caveat is that much of my growing up that...

Author Born When My Baby Born Find “U” in “YOU”

Start with Great Thinking. Learning comes first, and then earning followsFind “U” in “YOU”City Hospital, DavangereMy BabyIt was 12.30 am, and everyone was sleeping during that time I was sitting outside the OT( operation theatre), and my wife was battling Inside the OT with a lot of pain, I could hear the screams of my wife.I see my wife’s eyes, she is trying to say something from inside the OT, I can feel the pain she is going through, I understand how every woman might go through that situation.Sometimes I sat, stood, walking around, I couldn’t resist myself so I tried to ask the nurse over there, and she said anytime from now.I kept worrying about waiting until 2:10 am suddenl...

My ‘Novel’ Account of Human Possibility

Whenever I look at my body of work of ten books, the underlying human possibility intrigues me no end, and why not. I was born into a land-owning family in a remote village of Andhra Pradesh in India that is after the British had folded their colonial tents from there, but much before the rural education mechanism was geared up. It was thus the circumstances of my birth enabled me to escape from the tiresome chores of the primary schooling till I had a nine-year fill of an unbridled childhood, embellished by village plays and grandma’s tales, made all the more interesting by her uncanny ability for storytelling. As my maternal grandfather’s grandfather happened to be a poet laureate at t...