Author Born When My Baby Born Find “U” in “YOU”

Start with Great Thinking. Learning comes first, and then earning follows
Find “U” in “YOU”
City Hospital, Davangere
My Baby
It was 12.30 am, and everyone was sleeping during that time I was sitting outside the OT( operation theatre), and my wife was battling Inside the OT with a lot of pain, I could hear the screams of my wife.
I see my wife’s eyes, she is trying to say something from inside the OT, I can feel the pain she is going through, I understand how every woman might go through that situation.
Sometimes I sat, stood, walking around, I couldn’t resist myself so I tried to ask the nurse over there, and she said anytime from now.
I kept worrying about waiting until 2:10 am suddenly the doctor rushed inside, and I did not understand what was going on, nurses started moving fast I could sense they were doing their best job in this world.
Then I heard one sound, someone was crying, loudly, Oh God so thin, so innocent sound — many months don’t know how the outside world, first time entering the new world.
Now I am eager to see inside what was happening.
Then the nurse came outside and said, “Give new Cloth to Wrap.”
Omg, I can’t tell how much tension I got relieved, I just saw my wife’s face — she singled with a smile I understood she doing fine.
I started informing my family members, and then the joy of happiness started flowing, everyone started jumping, dancing, and shouting that is the movement everyone waited to hear.
“It is Baby Boy”
Please re-read the above episode. What I have written is something that came naturally to me. Till that time, I had never written or planned to write. My son’s birth triggered a spark in me to take up writing. What are the casual ways to inform about your baby’s births?
Like everyone does when they have to inform the birth of their child, they type messages like
Type 1: Blessed with a Prince/Boy or Queen/Girl.
Type 2: Pari, Jigar ka tukda, etc… Son/Daughter — Quite common to hear these, right?
As I wanted to inform all the close ones, so I narrated a story just like the above message. Now the point is, when I shared this with my loved ones, I was amazed to know another creative quality of mine: “Writing”.
My first realization eventuated at the time of my son’s birth time, which led me to the Framework “Find ‘’U” in ‘’YOU “
Now I am the Author of Two Books Find “U” in “YOU” and See “U” in “YOU”.
Points worth remembering!
Start with Great Thinking. Learning comes first, and then earning follows.
Change your knowledge, thinking, choices, your vehicle (your mindset) and see the changes in the result.
The fact is that your character, thinking and beliefs are critical in determining the level of your success.
Identify the problem first >Check the skills you have >Research the Demand >Start work toward your brand career
Career now in the digital world, it’s all about creating your value and place in the market for yourself.
There is an ocean of knowledge available, if you walk with a spoon, how will you fill it?
Don’t look for a new job, look for a new skill to develop. Your skills can pay more than your job.
Check how many books you read this year; check what new skills you have added to your basket.
Work hard on your job so you make your company proud but Work hard on yourself so you can make your Family proud.
Start from the Heart ==>Bring Brains to it.
Better skills create more Opportunities.
21st Century Skills you can target
· Writing/Storytelling
· Digital Marketing
· Sales (Funnels/advertising/High ticket Closer)
· Artificial Intelligence/ Voice/Future Tech Development
· Leadership
· Data Analysis/Cloud management
· Brand Video Creation/Production/Podcast
· Finance Budgeting /Wealth Management
· Customer Service/IT/Networking
· Coder/Software Development/Tester
· Social Media (Copywriting/Content/Strategy)
· Health/Mindset/Habits/Time Management
· Public Speaking/Coaching/Mentoring/Training
Why I considered writing a Passion!
· Relationships can be built by me through connecting with people using content and books.
· Even after I am gone, my books will be retained forever.
· When asked what is the one thing I like to leave behind, it’s memories in the form of writing.
· Becoming a role model for my family is facilitated by writing.