Tell us what you enjoy most about writing [genre].
The following is a prime example of what I enjoy most about writing; namely, the opportunity to promote a collective altruism over a self-centered individualism as the true focus of Christianity, of all religions:
My dear friends, the occasion presents itself again to dust off Paul to the Romans 8:19-22, particularly the last verse:
"For we know that all creation groans together and labors in birth together until now." Translation of Paul Esposito.
My dear friends, as we await the coming of the Kingdom of God (the reason for the groaning and laboring), kindly bear with me and allow me to reiterate my (and those of many far more intelligent people) plea that we acknowledge two things:
No one knows when the Kingdom will come, and
We humans are bidden to prepare ourselves for the eventual coming by good works, works of mercy and compassion, conferring the love of Jesus universally.
It requires no leap of imagination to regard our current human deportment and acknowledge that we fall far short of the ethical, moral mark. Our works are for the most part indifferent and self-serving at best, maleficent and lethal at worst.
I assay in my book to provide means and methodologies of performing those good works, all predicated upon the ethos of a reverence for life. This is the ethos that mandates human stewardship of all God's creation, that anticipates collective altruism as our moral compass, not individual self-centeredness, that commissions us to serve, rather than be served.
Our time runs short before ecological depredation will preclude the continuation of our existence, will forestall our enjoyment of the Kingdom, by us, and by all creation for which we are responsible, to which we are accountable.
The choice is ours.
Do you identify with your main character or did you create a character that is your opposite?
My main character is Jesus. While I identify with Him, I am still struggling to emulate Him, espcially in His universal conferral of love.
Did you have any say in the cover design?
The cover design is entirely mine, but much graphic assistance was provide me, as I am far from artistic.
Do you have any movie or tv adaptations in the works?
Not at this time.
How long did it take you to write this book?
This book required much thought and prayer and was two years in the making.

Tell us what you enjoy most about writing [genre].
The following is a prime example of what I enjoy most about writing; namely, the opportunity to promote a collective altruism over a self-centered individualism as the true focus of Christianity, of all religions:
My dear friends, the occasion presents itself again to dust off Paul to the Romans 8:19-22, particularly the last verse:
"For we know that all creation groans together and labors in birth together until now." Translation of Paul Esposito.
My dear friends, as we await the coming of the Kingdom of God (the reason for the groaning and laboring), kindly bear with me and allow me to reiterate my (and those of many far more intelligent people) plea that we acknowledge two things:
No one knows when the Kingdom will come, and
We humans are bidden to prepare ourselves for the eventual coming by good works, works of mercy and compassion, conferring the love of Jesus universally.
It requires no leap of imagination to regard our current human deportment and acknowledge that we fall far short of the ethical, moral mark. Our works are for the most part indifferent and self-serving at best, maleficent and lethal at worst.
I assay in my book to provide means and methodologies of performing those good works, all predicated upon the ethos of a reverence for life. This is the ethos that mandates human stewardship of all God's creation, that anticipates collective altruism as our moral compass, not individual self-centeredness, that commissions us to serve, rather than be served.
Our time runs short before ecological depredation will preclude the continuation of our existence, will forestall our enjoyment of the Kingdom, by us, and by all creation for which we are responsible, to which we are accountable.
The choice is ours.
Do you identify with your main character or did you create a character that is your opposite?
My main character is Jesus. While I identify with Him, I am still struggling to emulate Him, espcially in His universal conferral of love.
Did you have any say in the cover design?
The cover design is entirely mine, but much graphic assistance was provide me, as I am far from artistic.
Do you have any movie or tv adaptations in the works?
Not at this time.
How long did it take you to write this book?
This book required much thought and prayer and was two years in the making.