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Can you tell us about your latest book?

Thank you for having me. My latest book is The Midnight Library, a novel that explores the concept of parallel lives and the choices we make. It follows Nora Seed, who, after feeling overwhelmed by regret and despair, discovers a magical library where she can experience different versions of her life based on the decisions she made or didn’t make.

What inspired you to write The Midnight Library?

The idea came from my own reflections on regret and the “what if” scenarios that many of us ponder. I wanted to explore the concept of a multiverse in a way that felt personal and relatable, and the idea of a library where you can check out different lives felt like the perfect vehicle for that exploration.

How did you develop the concept of the library in your book?

I’ve always loved libraries—they are places of infinite possibility. I started imagining what it would be like if a library could hold the many lives a person could live. I wanted the library to be a place of hope and discovery, where each book represents a different path Nora’s life could have taken. This allowed me to explore different themes and what makes a life meaningful.

What does your typical writing day look like?

My writing day usually begins early in the morning. I start with a bit of free writing or journaling to clear my mind. Then, I set a specific word count goal and write in focused blocks of time with short breaks in between. Afternoons are often spent revising or researching. I find that maintaining a consistent routine helps me stay productive and creative.

How do you handle the emotional aspects of writing, especially with a book like The Midnight Library that deals with heavy themes?

Writing about difficult themes can be emotionally draining, but it’s also cathartic. I try to stay connected to my own emotions and experiences, which helps me bring authenticity to the story. When it gets too overwhelming, I take breaks, spend time with loved ones, or engage in activities that bring me joy and relaxation.

What challenges did you face while writing this book?

One of the main challenges was balancing the philosophical aspects with a compelling narrative. I wanted the book to be thought-provoking but also engaging and accessible. Another challenge was developing the different versions of Nora’s life in a way that felt distinct yet interconnected, ensuring that each path contributed to her overall journey of self-discovery.

What do you hope readers will take away from The Midnight Library?

I hope readers will come away with a sense of hope and a deeper understanding of the value of their own lives. I want them to realize that every choice, even the seemingly small ones, shapes who we are. Most importantly, I hope they see that it’s never too late to change and that there’s always the possibility of a different, fulfilling path.

Who are some of your literary influences?

I’ve been influenced by a diverse group of authors. Douglas Adams for his wit and creativity, Virginia Woolf for her exploration of consciousness, and Haruki Murakami for his blending of the surreal with the everyday. Each of these writers has shown me different ways to approach storytelling and character development.

How do you deal with feedback and criticism?

Feedback and criticism are vital to the writing process. I’ve learned to separate myself from my work to objectively evaluate feedback. Constructive criticism, especially from trusted readers and my editor, helps me identify areas for improvement. It’s important to stay open-minded and not take it personally. Every piece of feedback is an opportunity to learn and grow.