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Could you start by telling us about your latest book?

Thank you for having me. My latest book, Shadows of the Mind, is a psychological thriller that delves into the complexities of memory and identity. It follows a woman who, after a traumatic event, starts experiencing flashbacks that suggest her life might not be what it seems.

What was the inspiration behind Shadows of the Mind?

I’ve always been fascinated by the workings of the human mind, especially how memories can shape our identity. I wanted to explore the idea of how fragile and unreliable our perceptions can be, and what happens when our sense of reality is challenged.

How do you approach writing a psychological thriller?

Writing a psychological thriller requires careful plotting and a deep understanding of the characters’ psyches. I start with a strong premise and then outline the key plot points. Creating a sense of suspense and maintaining it throughout the novel is crucial, so I focus on pacing and build-up of tension. I also spend a lot of time developing my characters’ backgrounds and motivations to ensure their actions are believable.

What does your daily writing routine look like?

My writing routine is quite structured. I write in the mornings when my mind is freshest. I aim for a word count goal each day, usually around 1,500 words. After lunch, I spend time editing and revising what I’ve written. Evenings are for reading and brainstorming new ideas. I find that maintaining a consistent routine helps keep me productive.

How do you handle writer’s block?

Writer’s block can be frustrating, but I’ve found a few strategies that work for me. Taking a break and doing something completely different, like going for a walk or listening to music, helps clear my mind. Sometimes I’ll write a scene out of order, focusing on a part of the story I’m excited about, which can reignite my creativity. I also keep a journal where I jot down random ideas and thoughts.

What challenges did you face while writing Shadows of the Mind?

One of the biggest challenges was ensuring the plot twists were both surprising and plausible. I wanted to keep readers on the edge of their seats without resorting to clichés or unrealistic turns. Balancing the psychological depth with the thriller elements was also tricky, as I wanted to create a story that was both intellectually stimulating and entertaining.

What do you hope readers will take away from your book?

I hope readers will be captivated by the story and feel a deep connection with the characters. On a deeper level, I want them to reflect on the themes of memory, identity, and trust. How well do we really know ourselves and the people around us? What happens when the foundations of our reality are shaken?

Who are some of your literary influences?

I’ve been influenced by a variety of authors, including Gillian Flynn for her mastery of suspense, Kazuo Ishiguro for his exploration of memory and identity, and Stephen King for his ability to delve into the darker aspects of the human psyche. Each of these writers has taught me something different about crafting compelling stories.