Fortune's Retrieval


In the midst of chaos and conflict, the Southerland missionary family in China faces their greatest test of survival. As the snowballing clashes between the Japanese and the Nationalist Chinese government in Nanking threaten to consume the land, the courageous members of the second and third generation find themselves trapped in the heart of the storm.
In the 1930s and 40s, when others fled the danger, the Southerlands made a bold choice: to remain in China and continue their missionary work. But their decision comes with a heavy price. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, they were suddenly branded as enemy nationals by the ruthless Japanese occupation authorities.
Harriet Sutherland, granddaughter of the family patriarch and a tireless aid worker for refugees in Shanghai, finds herself torn apart from her beloved Standard Oil executive, who was forced to leave for the Philippines just before the chaos erupted. Meanwhile, her brother Alvin, a daring freelance reporter, stays behind in Peking, determined to document the unfolding events. Little do they know that their paths will be filled with unimaginable trials and tribulations.
As Harriet struggles to survive and bring hope to the displaced, Alvin's pursuit of truth lands him in an internment camp in Shandong Province. The future appears bleak, and the family's resilience is pushed to its limits. Will they find the strength to endure the hardships and overcome the dangers that lurk at every corner?
Amidst the backdrop of a war-torn China, "The Ordeals of the Southerland Missionary Family" is a gripping tale of courage, resilience, and the unbreakable bonds of family. This historical saga unveils the untold stories of those who fought against insurmountable odds, reminding us of the indomitable spirit that can emerge even in the darkest of times.

Publisher : Dapshow Publications

Publication Date : Jan 16, 2024


ISBN-13 : 979-8876405494