Douglas Preston

Douglas Preston

Douglas Preston is the author of for books, both fiction and nonfiction, thirty-two of which have been New York Times bestsellers, with several reaching the number 1 position. He has worked as an editor at the American Museum of Natural History in New York and taught nonfiction writing at Princeton University. His first novel, RELIC, co-authored with Lincoln Child, was made into a movie by Paramount Pictures, which launched the famed Pendergast series of novels. His recent nonfiction book, THE MONSTER OF FLORENCE, is also in production as a major television series from Apple. His latest book, THE LOST CITY OF THE MONKEY GOD, tells the true story of the discovery of a prehistoric city in an unexplored valley deep in the Honduran jungle. In addition to books, Preston writes about archaeology and paleontology for the New Yorker, National Geographic, and Smithsonian magazines. He is the recipient of numerous writing awards in the US and Europe, including a shared Edgar Award and an honorary Doctor of Letters degree from Pomona College. From 2019 to 2023 he served as president of the Authors Guild, the nation's oldest and largest association of authors and journalists.

Angel of Vengeance (Agent Pendergast Series)

Preston & Child continue their #1 bestselling series featuring FBI Special Agent Pendergast and Constance Greene, as they take a final stand against New York’s deadliest serial killer: Pendergast’s own ancestor…and Constance’s greatest enemy. A desperate bargain is broken…Constance Greene confronts Manhattan’s most dangerous serial killer, Enoch Leng, bartering for her sister's life – but she is betrayed and turned away empty-handed, incandescent with rage. A clever trap is set…Unknown to Leng, Pendergast’s brother, Diogenes, appears unexpectedly, offering to help—for mysterious reasons of his own. Disguised as a cleric, Diogenes establishes himself in New Y...
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La stanza di ossidiana (Serie di Aloysius Pendergast Vol. 16) (Italian Edition)

L'agente speciale Aloysius Pendergast è disperso. Il suo corpo non è ancora stato individuato e col passare dei giorni la speranza di trovarlo vivo sembra affievolirsi sempre di più. Constance, la sua storica assistente, è annichilita dal dolore e cerca conforto rifugiandosi nelle stanze sotterranee della residenza di famiglia di Riverside Drive; a niente servono le attenzioni di Proctor, la fedele guardia del corpo di Pendergast, che tenta di rassicurarla. Nella casa, però, un'ombra è in agguato. Una figura sinistra e minacciosa, che emerge dal passato e che all'improvviso trascina Constance via con sé. Proctor si lancia in un inseguimento mozzafiato sulle tracce del rapitore fin nei...
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