“What SuperPowers Would You Choose: To Fly or to Be Invisible?”

“What SuperPowers Would You Choose: To Fly or to Be Invisible?”

“What SuperPowers Would You Choose: To Fly or to Be Invisible?”

 Imagine a world where SuperPowers are not just the stuff of comic books and movies but a reality. What if you could choose between the ability to fly or to become invisible? This is the thrilling premise of Roger E. Pedersen's captivating sci-fi dystopian book, "SuperPowers: The Ability to Fly or Become Invisible." Let's discover what makes Pedersen's work stand out in the crowded sci-fi and dystopian fiction genre.

 Roger E. Pedersen's journey to becoming an author is as extraordinary as the stories he writes. Finding himself homeless but armed with a laptop, Pedersen turned his free time into a creative outlet, creating a series that explores human ambition and superhuman abilities. His series includes "SuperPowers: The Ability to Fly or to Become Invisible: The Next Generation," where the next generation goes where no SuperPowers has gone before; "The Golden Eagle Has Yielded," which tells of a SuperPowersed supermodel scorned; "In Ashes, the Phoenix Eagle Shall Rise," which follows a journey from the moon and back to perform 12 Herculean tasks to win a wealthy lover; and "Three Weddings and a Funeral," where Hannibal Lecter had Clarice Starling, and Professor Steele has Myrena Gorgona. These characters, with their relatable struggles and extraordinary abilities, will surely resonate with you, evoking a sense of empathy and understanding.

 The series starts in a post-pandemic world with a prologue introducing Professor Steele. He is a wealthy philanthropist and an intelligent academic. Steele loves art and technology, so he teams up with FA-King, a top art expert, to plan a heist of valuable artworks. We also meet Paul Spence, a young banker falsely accused of stealing money. His life changes dramatically when he discovers he can become invisible by blinking three times quickly. This power helps him survive and seek revenge on those who wronged him. He uses his invisibility to pull off daring heists against the corrupt system.

 Pedersen's series explores the good and bad sides of having SuperPowers. The ability to fly or become invisible raises important ethical questions. For Paul, invisibility is both a blessing and a curse. It helps him in tough situations but also brings moral challenges. His writing is well-researched and entertaining. He provides detailed descriptions of art and banking, making the story informative and ensuring that you feel informed and educated. The humor throughout the series, from the characters' witty dialogues to their amusing escapades, makes the series a delightful read that will surely bring a smile to your face.

 The series blends fact and fiction. It references real-world questions, like a Forbes article asking, "Which SuperPowers Would You Choose: To Fly or To Be Invisible?" This connection makes readers think about the more profound implications of these abilities. The prologue hints at a future where technology and human evolution mix surprisingly. Professor Steele's "Babble Tongue computer chip" can translate languages in real time, breaking communication barriers. This advanced technology contrasts with the timeless beauty of art, like da Vinci's Mona Lisa. The series is entertaining and intellectually stimulating, as it raises thought-provoking questions about the future of humanity and the ethical use of power.

 Roger E. Pedersen's "SuperPowers: The Ability to Fly or to Become Invisible" is an excellent read for sci-fi and dystopian fiction fans. The series combines humor, research, and exciting characters to offer a fresh take on the genre. It entertains and makes readers think about the ethics of power and human resilience. You can find the books in eBook and softcover formats on Amazon, Google Play, B&N, Kobo, Target, Walmart, and many local bookstores. Dive into the world of SuperPowers and decide whether you would choose the ability to fly or become invisible.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/SuperPower-Ability-Become-Invisible-Deal-ebook/dp/B0CP59YP2T#:~:text=SuperPower:%20The%20Ability%20to%20Fly%20or%20to%20Become

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Book to Film site: https://www.storyrocket.com/superpower-the-ability-to-fly-or-to-become-invisible-the-deal-of-the-art-book-1