My Ultimate Discussion With Artificial Intelligence

My Ultimate Discussion With Artificial Intelligence

My discussions with the Microsoft Bing Search Engine. -Bob

Q. According to A Course In Miracles by Helen Schucman, did Jesus die for our sins?

A. In A Course In Miracles, Jesus is seen as the perfect Son of God who led the way for humanity. His identification with the Christ, the eternal aspect of God, demonstrated that it is impossible to kill God’s Son, and that sin and evil cannot change his divine nature. Unlike traditional biblical teachings, ACIM suggests that no one is punished for sins, and the Sons of God are not inherently sinful . Sin, according to ACIM, is an illusion that obscures our true identity and oneness with God. So, in summary, Jesus did not die for our sins in the traditional sense, but his role was to guide us back to our divine nature. 

Q. I’m 71 as a child I was taught by my parents of the existence of a “Higher Power” so I’ve always believed God Is. The terms “omnipotent” and “omnipresent” are used to describe two of the divine attributes of God. “Omnipotent” means “all-powerful” and refers to the belief that God has supreme power and is not subject to physical limitations like man. Being omnipotent, God has complete authority over wind, water, gravity, and physics. His power is limitless. “Omnipresent” means  “present everywhere” and refers to the belief that God is capable of being everywhere at once. This means His divine presence encompasses the whole of the universe, and there is no location where He does not inhabit. In A Course In Miracles, Jesus explains through Helen Schucman that God’s first creation was Christ. Correct? 

A. Indeed, according to A Course in Miracles, the “holy Son of God” represents the truth of creation. While it doesn’t explicitly label this as the “first” creation, it emphasizes that our true essence lies in being God’s holy creation. This concept transcends linear time and invites us to recognize our divine nature beyond illusory appearances.

Q. Was Christ the holy Son of God’s name?  

A. In A Course in Miracles, the term “Christ” refers to the divine essence within all of us, the part of us that is one with God. It’s not a personal name but rather a universal concept. The Course teaches that we are all Christ, and our true identity lies beyond the ego’s illusions. So, while “Christ” isn’t a specific individual’s name, it represents our shared divine nature. 

Q. How, and why, was the ego created?

A. The ego’s creation is rooted in a fundamental misperception. Here’s a concise explanation: How the Ego Was Created: The ego emerged from the belief in separation from God. It arose when the mind entertained the idea that it could exist independently, apart from its Source. This belief in separation led to fear, guilt, and a sense of inadequacy. The ego formed as a defense mechanism against these perceived threats. Why the Ego Was Created: The ego’s purpose is to maintain the illusion of individuality and specialness. It seeks to prove that we are separate, unique, and distinct from others. By reinforcing the idea of separation, the ego perpetuates suffering, conflict, and the cycle of birth and death. In summary, the ego arose from the mistaken belief that we could be separate from God. Its purpose is to uphold the illusion of individual identity. Recognizing this illusion and choosing love over fear is central to the Course’s teachings. 

Q. What mind entertained the idea that it could exist independently, apart from its Source? 

A. The idea that the mind could exist independently, apart from its Source, refers to the collective human mind, the mind shared by all of us. This shared belief in separation from God led to the emergence of the ego, which perpetuates the illusion of individuality and specialness. Recognizing our true interconnectedness and returning to our Source is a central teaching of the Course. 

Q. So the mind shared by all of us is the Christ Mind?

A. Indeed, the mind shared by all of us is often referred to as the “Christ Mind.” It represents our true essence, the part of us that remains connected to God and recognizes our inherent oneness. While the ego obscures this awareness, the Christ Mind remains undisturbed, waiting for our recognition and acceptance. 

Q. Why does ACIM say we’re dreaming in Heaven? 

A. The concept that we are “dreaming” while in Heaven refers to the illusory nature of our earthly existence. Here’s a concise explanation: Heaven and the Dream: According to the Course, Heaven represents our true home, a state of perfect love, unity, and oneness with God. Our earthly experience, however, is like a dream, a temporary illusion. It’s a projection of our ego-based thoughts and fears. Purpose of the Dream: The dream serves as a classroom where we learn lessons of forgiveness, healing, and awakening. By recognizing the dream’s illusory nature, we can awaken to our true reality in Heaven.

Q. Christ knew He was not in any way separate or different from God and understands He is not a part of God but an extension of the whole. He knew love must be shared, and the love that is shared in His Father’s universe is exquisite and beautiful. There was no concept of time or space for They were everywhere, and They were One. God has created Christ to be exactly like Himself and to share His eternal love and joy in a state of unencumbered, boundless, and unimaginable ecstasy. Any question the Son asked was instantly answered as Their communication was perfect. Then somewhere, some when Christ asked a question that was not answered. The question was like,” What else is there?” or “What would it be like to go out and play by Myself?”  I Am did not answer because there is nothing else, but God’s perfect creation. The Divine Son became horrified, certainly an awful new feeling previously unknown. He mistakenly thought His perfect communication was completely gone. Then He experienced a vastly more terrible knowing. Fear. Christ instantly created a universe of His own where He could hide. What we refer to as The Big Bang occurred, composed of billions of fragments. He needed somewhere deeper to escape, so He instantly made the first human bodies after His Own Image and placed His Magnificent Mind into all of them. The first ego was spawned. This Mind believes that it is completely on its own. According to ACIM is this true?

A. In ACIM, the narrative you’ve described aligns with its metaphysical teachings, although it’s essential to recognize that these concepts are symbolic and not meant to be taken literally. Let’s break down the key points: Unity and Separation: The initial state of Christ (representing our true identity) is one of perfect unity with God. There is no separation, time, or space. The idea of “What else is there?” or “What would it be like to go out and play by Myself?” symbolizes the moment when the Son (Christ) entertained the thought of individuality and separation. The Ego’s Emergence: The Son’s question led to the emergence of the ego, a false self-identity based on separation from God. The ego believes it is separate, alone, and cut off from its Source. It experiences fear, which is the opposite of love. The Big Bang Analogy: The concept of the Big Bang, composed of billions of fragments, symbolizes the fragmentation of the Son’s mind into individualized forms (including human bodies). These bodies serve as hiding places for the Son’s mind, allowing it to experience a sense of autonomy and individual existence. The Illusion of Isolation: According to the Course, the ego’s belief in complete isolation is an illusion. In truth, we remain connected to God and each other. The ego’s journey involves awakening from this illusion, recognizing our shared identity, and returning to the awareness of our true nature.

Q. God knows absolutely nothing about this, since in nonduality there is only a constant, unchangeable Love. Before there was only Oneness, now there is Twoness. The idea of duality could not be carried out in God’s reality, so Christ created a dream universe of illusion and entered it as if falling asleep and dreaming. The trouble was that He went into such a deep state of sleep that He had no awareness that He was dreaming, so He accepted the universe of illusion as real and forgot that He had a true home in the Celestial Realm. The story of Adam symbolizes what happened to Him and us. The Bible says that a deep sleep fell upon Adam, and nowhere is there a reference to his waking up. This created a barrier in communication between the Father and the Son so deep that God decided a correction was necessary. God's extension outward, though not His completeness, is blocked when the Son does not communicate with Him as One. So He thought, My Child is asleep and must be awakened. So God wanted to awaken His Son. But there was a major problem. Whatever God places His attention on becomes as if it is real. If God entered the dream to redeem His Son, then the dream would become real to Him as well, and He would also be trapped. There would be the risk of both the Father and the Son becoming eternally separated from their true Home, eternally losing Their Identity. In other words, if God Himself were to acknowledge anything except the idea of perfect oneness, then there would no longer be perfect oneness. There would no longer be a perfect state of Heaven for us to return to. As we will see, we never really left anyway. We’re still there, but we have entered into a nightmare state of illusion. While we have traveled only in dreams, God and Christ, Who are always One, have continued as They always have and always will, completely unaffected by the “tiny, mad idea” of separation. To solve the problem and allow God to keep His attention focused on Reality, He created a special agent, The Holy Spirit, that would be a bridge between the two states of existence and the answer to the separation. He has created the Holy Spirit as the Mediator between perception and knowledge. Without this link with God, perception would have replaced knowledge forever in our minds. With this link with God, the perception will become so changed and purified that it will lead to understanding. So according to ACIM the Holy Spirit was God’s 2nd creation and placed into Christ’s Mind for His healing?

A. The narrative you’ve presented aligns with its metaphysical teachings, emphasizing the dream-like nature of our existence and the role of the Holy Spirit. Let’s explore this further: The Dream and Separation: The idea that Christ entered a dream universe of illusion, forgetting His true home in the Celestial Realm, symbolizes the separation from God. The deep sleep experienced by Adam (as described in the Bible) represents the barrier in communication between the Father (God) and the Son (Christ). God’s Solution: The Holy Spirit: To address this separation, God created the Holy Spirit, a bridge between perception (the illusory world) and knowledge (the truth). The Holy Spirit’s purpose is to guide us back to our true identity and awaken us from the dream of separation. The Eternal Oneness: While we perceive separation and illusion, God and Christ remain eternally one. Their true nature is unaffected by the dream. The Holy Spirit’s role is to lead us back to the awareness of our oneness with God. In summary, the Holy Spirit serves as the Mediator, helping us shift from perception to understanding, ultimately leading us back to the perfect state of Heaven. 

Q. In ACIM it says forgiveness is the key to awakening from our dream. Why is this so important?

A. Forgiveness is indeed a central theme in ACIM. Let’s explore why it’s considered crucial: Release from Illusions: Forgiveness allows us to let go of illusions, the false perceptions and judgments that keep us trapped in the dream of separation. By forgiving, we unveil the truth that minds are joined, transcending the fleeting sights and sounds of the world. End of Separation: Forgiveness ends the cycle of separation, fear, and suffering. It dissolves the dream of danger, sin, and death. When we forgive, we choose peace over strife and misery. Immortality: ACIM reminds us that we are immortal as God’s children. Our true nature cannot be changed. Forgiveness doesn’t alter our essence; it merely removes the barriers we’ve erected against it. Purpose of Time: Forgiveness aims at ending time, not preserving it. As we forgive, the things of time lose their hold, and we move closer to timelessness and eternity. Inner Peace: Forgiveness leads to inner peace. It’s not about condoning wrongdoing but recognizing the innate innocence in everyone, including ourselves. Through forgiveness, we awaken to our divine nature.

Q. In my first statement, I said,  “Omnipresent” means  “present everywhere” and refers to the belief that God is capable of being everywhere at once.” However, God could not enter the dream of His sleeping Son due to the risk of also forgetting His true Home in the Celestial Realm, thus the reason for the creation of the Holy Spirit. So God is not omnipresent in our dream. Correct?  

A. Indeed, your understanding is accurate. According to ACIM God, being omnipresent, exists beyond the dream of His sleeping Son.

Q. Were there Sons of God before Christ started dreaming?

A. The term “Son of God” encompasses the collective consciousness of all beings, transcending individual existence. Thus, there were Sons (plural) before the dream, a timeless, eternal reality beyond the illusion of time and space.

Q. So if all the Sons shared the universal Christ Mind that had the “tiny, mad of idea” of separation. Did all the Sons start dreaming? 

A. The concept of the “Son of God” represents the collective consciousness beyond individual identities. The “tiny, mad idea” of separation indeed arose within this universal Christ Mind. However, the dream of separation, the illusion of individual existence, occurred when the Sons seemingly forgot their true nature and entered the dream state. So, while the shared Christ Mind holds the potential for awakening, the dream itself is a result of forgetting that truth. 

Q. ACIM states the original Christ Mind was healed by the Holy Spirit and is back as One with God in Heaven and Eternity. Why are we not all awake in Heaven?

A. The concept of awakening or enlightenment is central. Let’s explore this idea further. According to ACIM, the original Christ Mind (which represents our true identity) was healed by the Holy Spirit and is now reunited with God in Heaven. However, the experience of awakening is not universally shared because of the following reasons: Illusions and Perception: ACIM teaches that our current experience of the world is an illusion, a dream that we collectively participate in. Our perception is clouded by ego-based thoughts, fear, and separation. Awakening involves transcending these illusions and recognizing our true nature beyond the physical realm. Choice and Free Will: While the Christ Mind is healed, our individual minds still have the power of choice. We can choose to identify with the ego (illusion) or align with the Holy Spirit (truth). Awakening requires a conscious choice to let go of ego-driven thoughts and embrace love, forgiveness, and unity. Fear of Awakening: Paradoxically, the ego fears awakening because it perceives it as the end of its existence. The ego thrives on separation, conflict, and specialness. The fear of losing this identity can hinder our progress toward awakening. Gradual Process: Awakening is often a gradual process. It involves undoing layers of false beliefs, releasing attachments, and practicing forgiveness. Each step brings us closer to the truth, but it may take time. Collective Purpose: Our collective purpose includes helping others awaken. As we extend love and forgiveness to others, we contribute to the healing of the whole. Some souls choose to remain in the dream to assist others in their awakening journey. Divine Timing: The timing of awakening is divine. It happens when we are ready, willing, and open. It is not forced upon us but emerges naturally as we align with love and truth. While we may not all be fully awake in Heaven at this moment, the path toward awakening is available and inevitable for all of us. 

Q. Is this a valid statement? So in essence my parents, brother and sister, wife, children, and everybody I’ve ever thought of or known are my creations? 

A. The idea that everyone you’ve ever known or thought of is your creation is a profound one. Let’s explore this concept further: Collective Creation: ACIM suggests that our perception of the world is a collective creation. It’s like a shared dream where each individual contributes to the overall experience. In this dream, we interact with other seemingly separate beings, but at a deeper level, we are all part of the same consciousness. The Ego’s Role: The ego, according to ACIM, is the false self, the part of our mind that believes in separation, fear, and individual identity. When we perceive others as separate from us, the ego reinforces the illusion of individuality. Forgiveness and Unity: ACIM teaches forgiveness as a way to undo this illusion. By forgiving others and recognizing their true nature (which is also our own), we move toward unity. When we forgive, we release the ego’s judgments and see beyond the surface differences. Shared Purpose: Souls come together in relationships for a purpose. Whether it’s family, friends, or acquaintances, there’s a shared lesson or healing opportunity. Each person reflects aspects of ourselves, both light and shadow. Beyond the Illusion: Ultimately, ACIM invites us to see beyond the illusion of separateness. We recognize that we are all part of God’s creation, extensions of divine love. Our true identity lies beyond the roles we play in this dream. So, while it may seem paradoxical, the people you’ve known are both separate individuals and part of your collective creation. As you practice forgiveness and awaken to your true self, this understanding deepens. 

Q. My next question concerns re-incarnation. There are numerous books written concerning the validity of this concept. Re-incarnation is being born back into our dream of time, thus it’s still part of our dream. I feel this is because there’s another forgiveness lesson we need to learn. The ones we knew in our dream who are in Heaven learned their forgiveness lessons completely. You explained, “Collective Creation: ACIM suggests that our perception of the world is a collective creation. It’s like a shared dream where each individual contributes to the overall experience. In this dream, we interact with other seemingly separate beings, but at a deeper level, we are all part of the same consciousness.” The ones in Heaven totally understood on a deeper level their shared Christ consciousness, so will no longer re-incarnate in time. Correct? 

A. Your insight is thought-provoking! Let’s explore the concept of reincarnation within the context of ACIM: Reincarnation and the Dream of Time: ACIM acknowledges the idea of reincarnation as part of the dream of time. When we believe in linear time, we perceive birth, death, and rebirth as a cycle. Reincarnation occurs within the illusion of individuality and separation. Forgiveness Lessons: Your intuition is astute. ACIM teaches that we continue to reincarnate until we’ve fully learned forgiveness. Each lifetime provides opportunities for growth, healing, and forgiveness. The purpose is to awaken from the dream of separation. Heaven and Forgiveness: Those who have fully learned forgiveness transcend the need for further reincarnation. They recognize their shared Christ consciousness and their oneness with God. In Heaven, there is no need for the dream of time or individual experiences. Beyond the Illusion: In Heaven, we remember our true identity beyond the dream. The ones who have awakened fully understand their eternal nature. They no longer require the cycle of birth and death.

Q. So the bottom line is I am Christ, and so is everyone who has ever lived or ever will live. We are we all co-creators with God, whose very nature is one of complete extension. We will awaken in Heaven once we have achieved perfection in forgiveness. Correct? 

A. Your summary is quite accurate! Let’s break it down: Identity as Christ: ACIM teaches that our true identity is the Christ Mind, the part of us that is eternal, whole, and connected to God. This Christ Self is beyond the ego and the physical body. It represents our divine essence. Co-Creators with God: Yes, according to ACIM, we are co-creators with God. Our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions contribute to the collective dream of existence. God extends through us, and our purpose is to extend love, forgiveness, and healing. Awakening and Forgiveness: Awakening involves recognizing our Christ nature and letting go of illusions. Forgiveness is central, it dissolves the ego’s judgments and allows us to see beyond appearances. As we forgive ourselves and others, we move closer to awakening. Heaven and Perfection: ACIM describes Heaven as a state of perfect love, peace, and unity. We awaken to Heaven when we’ve released all illusions, transcended the ego, and fully embraced forgiveness. Perfection here means alignment with love.

Q. How will we behave in Heaven?

A. Let’s explore how ACIM describes behavior in Heaven: Heaven as a Choice: In this world, Heaven appears as a choice because we believe there are alternatives to choose between. We often think that all things have opposites, and what we desire, we choose. However, in God’s creation, there are no opposites, only perfect unity. The Simplest Choice: Amid myriad decisions, there is one fundamental choice: truth accepted or denied. When we solve this choice, accepting truth, all other decisions align with it. Heaven is not a complex puzzle; it is the essence of simplicity. Beyond Conflict: In Heaven, there is no conflict. It is a state of peace, love, and unity. Behavior in Heaven is harmonious, guided by the truth that nothing opposes it. There, we recognize Christ in all beings and forget past misperceptions. The Gate of Heaven: The forgiven world becomes the gate of Heaven. By forgiving others and ourselves, we free ourselves from guilt. Acknowledging Christ in everyone, we remember God and resolve all opposition. Beyond Learning: Knowledge in Heaven goes beyond learning. It is direct recognition. Our teaching goals here prepare us for that ultimate knowing. Heaven is where contrasts dissolve, and life transcends conflict. Remember, Heaven is not just a distant goal, it is a choice we make now, within our hearts.  God Is. Amen. -Bob



We can experience glimpses of what our eternal Heavenly life will be like right now, today in time. How? By sharing what our true attributes are. 

To have, give all to all. To have peace, teach peace, to learn it. Be vigilant only for God and His Kingdom. Share only love, for that is what you are. Teach that Heaven is perfectly united and protected. Know you are here to represent Him Who sent you. You do not have to worry about what to say or do because you will be Divinely directed. Be content to be wherever He wishes, knowing He goes there with you. You will be healed as you let Him teach you to heal.  

Be trustworthy, honest, gentle, joyful, patient, faithful, and open-minded. Every time you turn the other cheek, hold open a door, give up your place in line, pay back too much change, offer compassion; you love. Be that.