Crime Unknown, A Buck Taylor Novel by Chuck Morgan

Reviewed by Maureen Dangarembizi for Readers' Favorite
Crime Unknown is the exciting seventh installment in the Buck Taylor series by Chuck Morgan. Agent Buck Taylor goes into the sweet little town of Copper Creek expecting to bring to light the truth behind a college suicide. As he looks into Kevin Ducette, many things don’t add up. What Buck soon finds is a rotten core at the center of Copper Creek. Evidence has been tampered with and some aspects of the investigation were not even carried out. It seems everyone is convinced the student killed himself. Unconvinced and seeing more and more discrepancies the deeper he digs. Buck realizes that a potential murder is only the tip of the iceberg compared to what is really going on in the small Colorado town.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I read Crime Unknown in one sitting. The plot is intense and the main character agent Buck Taylor is a hero like no other. This book has everything a thriller needs to be and more. I thought I knew the story at the beginning. Buck will solve a tricky murder case, I thought. But Chuck Morgan adds a twist to this story that expands it and makes it one of the most enjoyable books I’ve read in this genre. I loved that the lead was such an awesome well-rounded fellow but that he also had a support team who were just as important to the story. I’ve never read other books in this series(something I’ll have to remedy soon) but there was no problem understanding the dynamic between the characters, thus it can be read as a standalone. Fans of Jack Reacher novels will enjoy this book. I simply can’t praise Chuck Morgan and his series more. It is worth every second spent reading it.
Reviewed by Trudi LoPreto for Readers' Favorite
Crime Unknown: A Buck Taylor Novel (Book 7) is a great crime novel that moves along quickly and with great excitement to know what is coming next. The story begins on a college campus in Colorado. When a student’s suspected murder is covered up as a suicide, Buck is called in to get the facts. He is soon knee-deep in an investigation that could change the mountain town of Copper Creek forever. The local police, politicians, and rich men own the town and have complete control, but what they are controlling is what Buck must find out. He brings in his team and they find themselves not only concerned about the dead student but learn there have been too many other missing people, a doctor up to no good, one man calling all the shots. As Buck and his team dig into the facts, what they find will amaze and horrify. This is a must-read for yourself so as not to ruin the details.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Crime Unknown is much better than the usual crime novel. Buck Taylor is my new favorite crime hero. Chuck Morgan has created characters that are very real life and believable with a plot that is a sure-fire winner. This is the seventh Buck Taylor book, but it stood alone as I have never read the other books in this series (something I will most definitely fix). Crime Unknown does not fit into just the crime genre as it offers so much more. There is excitement, suspense, mystery, and surprising twists and turns throughout. I cannot urge you strongly enough not to pass up Crime Unknown. It is a five-plus star winner.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Like all of the Buck Taylor series this book is captivating. The plot is great, unreal yet completely believable. The villains are some of the series most evil and their fictional deeds are chilling.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐I love this series. Buck Taylor and his comrades in arms are some of the most likable characters I’ve ever read.