“Hi Gemini – This is Randy Foakes from The Authors Forum; as the group’s administrator I've had an issue with your posting, and I’m giving you personally another warning due to you posting on the board an AI image. Your post has now been taken down from the group site. The post was titled – Having a Bad Day, and I’m just about to send a screenshot to your inbox. I kindly ask you not to send anymore posts with AI images. The group’s mantra is completely opposed to the use of AI in any creative form. If you continue to post AI images, we will be forced to suspend you from the group. These are our rules.”
“Randy, kindly tell me what is the problem with using an image taken from a source that has no trademark or IP protection, and then to modify it into a unique piece of artwork? Anyhow. You are the administrator; it is your role to make decisions on whatever you believe is of benefit to the group. But, when you look around these social media platforms, everyone is using AI. It’s a future reality. It’s inevitable. But, in the end, it is your decision on behalf of your board, and I respect that.”
“The Authors Forum campaigns diligently against AI for very good reasons, Gemini, please check out our rules, and desist from posting with this type of content.”
“Randy, have you ever read the definition of AI? The base image in the post was taken from a library, and I used a compatible toolkit, a mixture of applications to modify the original image with overlays and then a final freeze of an original artifact, which has been finally overlaid with my logo. So, you can conclude this is my artwork. I owe it! It is not wholly generated by AI. Check the rules of trademark, which I explored recently to protect my content. Technically this is not wholly generated by AI and is an original piece of artwork with my embedded Gemini logo, which represents an artifact with trademark protection.”
“Thanks for the explanation. Your post has been reinstated.”
“Thanks for understanding Randy. The world of AI is a complicated place right now. Coincidentally, I come from many years in IT development, I don’t profess to be an expert, but I know enough to be dangerous. In the end I don’t want to be disrespectful. Thanks Randy, and it was very understanding of you to follow up and advise me of the reason behind the removal of my post from your board. So many people don’t undertake that care and attention, and do what you did today, that is very thoughtful of you. Your administration of the group is thoughtful and in good hands.”
“I've allowed it this time Gemini, but in future as your image was derived from an AI image, I'm afraid it will be declined and removed. The fact that you then manipulated it yourself doesn't detract from the fact that it was derived from an AI source – sorry, these are the rules. Look at the screenshot I just sent to your inbox; it has been identified as a 99% probability that it is AI generated.”
“Randy – don’t you find this ironic? I’m looking at the message as we speak. The screenshot shows an application you used to test out if the image is AI generated or not, and it’s a robotic application. This means you are using AI to test out if it is AI or not! The original image is most certainly AI generated. However, technically the original image was modified by me and then posted with my trademark, as an original artifact. That makes it slightly different from the original AI generated image you sent me.”
“Gemini - this is my business, my board. I'll use any method to test what is AI or not – understand? You may have manipulated the original image and stamped your trademark on it - it doesn’t make any difference. It's still derived solely from an AI image and so that breaks the group’s rules.”
“But that’s the point Randy, the final image posted has been manipulated, and altered, it is not the original anymore. It has been manipulated and created differently by yours truly. Your test was against the original, NOT my altered version.”
“It's derived from AI. That fact alone makes it unacceptable to post on my board. Sorry.”
“Okay - it’s your rules and your interpretation, I must respect that. Like I said it’s your board. Most artwork nowadays is derived from digital libraries and providers. I hope you can find some non-AI work to post. I will watch the board with interest.”
“Gemini – did you know we are one of the busiest writing groups on social media? The board has no problem with the constant feed on non-AI material. But – AI generated is no -no. In fact, around 150 posts a day are rejected by me. Interestingly, since my stand against AI images and writing, our membership has rocketed. This is interesting, and in my mind solid proof that AI in the arts is very much disliked.”
“Randy - I doubt if there is one post nowadays that is not in a digital image format. Nothing else would be acceptable anyway. Technically - if it's a digital image then it is computer generated. Like I said before, I have been in IT for more than 50 years, and did you know that AI, I prefer machine language, started a long time ago with fourth generation programming language. AI is a popular acronym and little understood. It’s fashionable and like a lot of things nowadays; misunderstood. It is your interpretation of my actions, and the event that must be respected. What is really so ironic; you are using an AI tool to test out AI. Now there’s an irony and a story to write home about.”
“Thanks, and please follow our rules.”
“Hold on there a minute buddy! I see you have removed two posts. Not just the one you showed me. Now I'm online I see you have removed the announcement of my interview with a prominent magazine, what's wrong with that? In fact, the post was prepared by the magazine themselves, and I'm allowed to use this content based on the conditions of the contract. All of a sudden, I have started to feel like a victim here. Plus, I had a quick review of other posts on your group page, many look to me like they are digitized – AI generated.”
“Plus, the same post you have removed was allowed by your board days ago. I posted again today because the interview was part of a campaign around an international book festival which is still running since last weekend - so now looking at this I want to question some of your logic behind your rules and actions? I hope you don't mind!”
“Sorry Gemini. I can't debate this all night, especially as it's getting late here. All that I can say is that I will be very vigilant about your posts in future and if they're not derived from AI they'll be published."
"Good night.”
Author's note to myself: Moral of the dialogue - when you are winning an argument, stay silent. Never be a smartass!